When is best time to visit Montserrat in the summer? In the hot summer months of July and August and September the best time is to come early. There will be fewer visitors and it will be cooler. Also the famous Montserrat boys choir is on holiday in July and August and start of September and it’s too hot for long hikes, so early morning tours to Montserrat are the best. DayTripsBarcelona.com offers a 4 hour early morning fast visit to Montserrat monastery. You spend just 2 hours at Montserrat which is enough to see the main sights, enjoy the views and then you are back in Barcelona at mid-day and have the rest of the day for sightseeing in the city.
The tour is called B2X EXPRESS Montserrat Mountain & Basilica Early access 4 hour tour w. hotel pick-up. Read more and book here:

What is best time to visit Montserrat abbey in the summer?
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